Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Shutdown Scheduler and Shared Notes

Sebuah Aplikasi untuk mematikan atau merestart komputer dengan terjadwal saman dengan hal nya kalau di TV namanya Timer untuk mematikan TV.


* Weekly or days of week shutdown scheduler
* Shutdown or restart also possible via a timer
* Sound volume reduction (New)
* External program(s) launch (New)
* Password protection (New)
* Shutdown(s) and restart(s) behaviour customizable
* Remote shutdown(s) and restart(s) available (Over a network)
* Auto logs the software and user actions
* Clock synchronization by NTP server
* Easy to use and understand
* Windowless
* Magnets "like" behaviour
* Move by left button drag-n-drop
* Complete htm Help included
* Animated system tray icon

Download Here

Membutuhkan Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 klik disini

Catatan : Tidak untuk Vista dan Win 7
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